* = Required Information
Central Pennsylvania Greater Philadelphia


Share information with my friends Private and secret
Open and public Tell anyone who asks
Assure Mr. Smith that the conversation is private Tell the worker's friends
Share the story with the worker's family Write the story down
Children in foster homes Who can know or share a person’s personal health information
Insurance companies Pets


Ignore the request and microwave the hot dog Ask Mrs. Jones to explain exactly how she used to do it and follow the directions
Prepare something elese Tell Mrs. Jones "no, I'll cook it my way"
Not allow Mr. Jim to go outside Tell Mr. Jim “you’re not allowed out while I’m here”
Call his family Accompany Mr. Jim for a short walk with the use of his walker
Tell Miss English she looks funny Take one of the sweaters off Miss English and hide it
Respect Miss English’s choice Call her family and tell them she’s acting funny


“I am too busy” “Write it yourself”
“It is not part of my job” “Let’s set a time when I can help you some time today.”
Not do the laundry Ask Mrs. Tune to explain how to use it or ask to see the “how to operate” instructions
Take the clothes to the closest Laundromat Leave it for the next worker to do


Tell Mr. Smith that they care Look in the communication log to see what’s been written about his pain
Call their supervisor to report Mr. Smith’s complaint All of the above
Tell Mrs. Spratt to sit up straight and quit dropping things Call the supervisor to explain Mrs. Spratt’s behavior
Ask Mrs. Spratt to go lay down until she feels better Call the family


Before and after each contact with a consumer At the beginning and end of the visit
At least once before the visit At least once after the visit
Washing hands frequently Dragging soiled clothing on the floor on way to the washing machine
Keeping bed linens clean Flushing the toilet frequently


Droplets from the nose and mouth The use of universal precautions
Direct contact with feces (bowel movement) Open wounds that are draining blood
Consumer’s linen Consumer’s personal belongings
Blood and body fluids Consumer’s skin


Call 911 Contain the fire
Remove the consumer from the room Extinguish the fire
Change the position of the arm Help the person get off the floor
Call for medical help Tell the person to quit crying
Tell the supervisor as soon as the worker becomes aware of incident Wait until they get back to the office and have time to write it up
Leave a note Call the family


Ignore it and only record what they do that day Fill it in
Tell the supervisor Call the person who worked those days
I assume all the services were done Did the consumer refuse the other services?
Were the other services discontinued? If it’s not documented, it didn’t happen.


Neglect Verbal abuse
Physical abuse Restraint
True False
The family Local Area Agency on Aging
The Human Relations Commission The person’s church
Pennsylvania’s Child Abuse Hotline The family
The Human Relations Commission The child’s church
Stand up for the other worker Report the complaint
Listen to the complaint but do nothing Tell the consumer she is just confused


Put the consumer to bed immediately Curse back
Ask the consumer what is bothering him or her Restrain the consumer in case he or she becomes violent
Restrain the consumer Call the family
Talk to the consumer in a soothing voice about familiar things Leave the consumer alone
Listen to what the consumer has to say Tell the consumer to stop talking
Start to talk about personal beliefs Report it to the family
Leave and come back another day Use their cell phone to call the consumer to confirm if arrival is OK
Go to the neighbor’s house to wait until the screaming stops Call the police
Tell the consumer to get rid of the guns Peek in the window and leave
Discuss the situation with their supervisor Call the family


Test the temperature of the water Help the consumer to undress
Tell the consumer what the worker is going to do Close the bathroom door and windows
Soften the beard and skin with a warm washcloth for a few minutes Leave the skin dry
Apply only water Rub the face vigorously
Encourage the consumer to put on comfortable, safe and attractive clothes Check that the consumer has shoes with non-slip soles
Never let the consumer pick out the clothes Spread shoes as far open as possible for ease of the foot
It is better to put them on the consumer while they are lying down Turn the stocking inside out first
Position the stocking over the heel and foot Grab and pull the stocking quickly up the rest of the leg
Start by washing the face, including, eyes, ears and neck Proceed to wash arms, forearms, hands, including fingers & nails
Next, wash chest & abdomen, legs and feet Finish by washing back, buttocks, and perineum
All of the above
Respect the consumer’s dignity when washing him by draping as much as possible when not washing a particular area Bathing is a good time to check for any possible bed sores
Always use soap on the consumer’s face, even if they complain Always rinse and pat dry after washing a specific area
Assist consumer into the tub using fall prevention techniques Ensure water temperature is safe and comfortable
Wash the consumer’s body parts that they cannot Protect consumer from unnecessary exposure and chilling
All of the above


Brushing the hair and spraying it with lots of perfume Brushing and/or combing from the scalp toward the hair ends
Wetting the hair Wrapping a warm towel around the head
Elbow, shoulder Hips, sacrum, coccyx, buttocks
Heels, ankles All of the above
Tissues A denture cup
Napkins The dresser drawer
Ignore the consumer Give them gum
Brush their teeth for them Give them some mouthwash and tell them to spit it out
Head and shoulders are moved to edge of bed if position is allowed Plastic or rubber trough is placed under head and drains into basin
Multiple towels may be used to help position the head and shoulders All of the above


Place a cushion in the back of the wheelchair Use a foot stool
Lock the wheels on the wheelchair Raise the bed to a high position
Walk with the consumer twice a day The consumer can use a wheelchair with help
Take the consumer’s blood pressure The consumer can walk with help
The direct care worker needs to think about what to do next The consumer may have something to say
The consumer may feel dizzy from standing up The direct care worker wants to take the consumer’s pulse
Assess the consumer’s ability to help Inform the consumer about the transfer and what he/she needs to do
Allow consumer to dangle his/her legs while sitting at side of bed Bring the chair or wheelchair to the bedside at a 90 degree angle
When transferring consumer from bed to chair, pivot the consumer so the consumer’s back is toward the chair Tell client to place hands on the arm supports of wheelchair
Leave the brakes of wheelchair off while consumer is in it so the feel more independence To ensure safety, always keep brake on while consumer is trying to sit in the chair


Know the consumer’s likes and dislikes Cook what the direct care worker likes
Prepare only finger food Prepare only liquids
Prepare the meal and leave the consumer alone Prepare the meal and stay with the consumer to assist as needed
Not worry about it Call the supervisor
Bread Bacon
Fresh Fruits Ice Cream
Cake, candy, potato chips Skim milk, rice, broth
Green leafy vegetables, liver, peanut butter Cheese, fruit, bacon
Dementia Circulatory problems
Asthma Foot fungus


Provide privacy but remain nearby for safety or assistance Leave the consumer alone
Only check to see that there’s enough toilet tissue Make sure the consumer flushes before and after
Hand the bedpan to the consumer and leave the room Position the consumer on the bedpan so the body is aligned and supported for comfort
Only check to see if the bedpan is nearby Tell the consumer “Get the bedpan yourself”
Assist the consumer with placement of urinal Provide privacy but remain nearby to assist
Assist consumer with hand washing Remove urinal and leave it set on the floor
Ignore him Get the urinal, assist him with placement, keep him covered
Hand him the urinal and walk away Tell him to wait until done with folding laundry


Throw the medication in the waste basket Return the medication to the bottle that it might have been in
Flush the medication down the toilet Call their supervisor
Assist the consumer by opening the bottles and assisting as needed Hand a consumer a pair of pliers
Tell the consumer to order non-child proof bottles the next time See how long it takes the consumer to figure it out
Tell the consumer when the medications are out-dated Remind the consumer that he/she is taking the right medication, the right dosage, at the right time
Check to see if the medication is to be taken with food or on an empty stomach All of the above


Accept and then return it to consumer’s family member Refuse and act shocked
Refuse in a firm, courteous manner Accept the tip and share it with other direct care workers
Volunteer to be the consumer’s power of attorney Listen but refuse in a firm, courteous manner
Tell the family Write it down
Accept the money and thank the consumer Share the money with the other direct care worker who helps
Politely refuse the gift Use the money to buy a gift for the consumer
Confused Diabetic
Vomiting Choking
Fall prevention Light housekeeping
Making decisions for a consumer who is capable of making decisions Assisting the consumer with activities of daily living
Keep consumer covered, position him on his side, back facing away, roll bottom linens close to him toward center of bed, place clean bottom linens with center fold nearest him, roll clean bottom linens nearest him and tuck under soiled linen. Log roll him over onto the side facing worker, move to other side of bed, remove soiled linens, unroll bottom sheet and tuck it under mattress, position him and cover him Log roll him to one side, pull soiled linens out from under him, put clean linens on bed by sliding everything under him while he’s on his side, tuck each side under the mattress, have him move to middle of bed
Remove the pillows so his head is flat, pull the sheets out from under him, slide the sheet under his buttocks and pull up to his shoulders, then pull down towards feet, tuck in the sheet, return the pillow Try to lift him into a chair so it’ll be easier to make the bed
It will look nice and help the consumer sleep better It will be easier to keep clean
It helps decrease the risk for skin irritation and bed sores The consumer’s cat likes it that way